Having endured a childhood of abuse at the hands of her step-father, a first marriage failing due to mental illness, and a second marriage that ended with an affair, Faydra Koenig really thought she had been through her deepest trials. By the time she turned 45, she thought she had learned the tough lessons of life, and she used her personal experience in her career in social work and mental health. She became known as “America’s Divorce Coach” and helped others weather those storms.
In 2008, she met a man that she fell in love with. Their families got along well and they eventually got married. Even at that time, Faydra had no clue about the battles she was going to face. By the time 2012 rolled around, Faydra’s new husband was facing charges for crimes he committed long before she even knew him. He was convicted and sentenced to prison. Thus began Faydra’s journey into depression, loneliness, and shame. She was on the path to learning lessons that would forever change her. Listen to this inspiring interview and be amazed God led Faydra through the storms.
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