In today’s episode, John chats with special guest, Dee Brestin, about recognizing heart idols, how Jesus showed his disciples that He was in awe of the Old Testament, how to be alert to the amazing things that God does, and more. You don’t want to miss the prison ministry testimony she shares of an incarcerated woman who came to realize how beautiful she was to Jesus. It will give you chills!
Dee Brestin is an author, speaker, and has a heart for prison ministry. She has been writing for 50 years. Her introduction to writing came about in her early 20’s when she was looking for a bible study, but no-one was writing them at that time. She wrote her first, called “Proverbs and Parables”, which readied her for the Fishermen Bible Study Guides for which she would later write. Dee offers free teaching videos and a free Bible Study blog.
Show Highlights:
- Turning a heart of stone into a heart of flesh
- Most people misunderstand idolatry
- Idols of the heart
- The bad fruit of an idol
- Not allowing God to be in control
- How it can be releasing to understand why we do the things we do
- God’s options are to overlook or to confront in love
- If you’re faithful in the little things, God opens other doors
- How fasting can part the red sea
- God lost 1/3 of his angels and He was a perfect parent
- We are humbled by parenting when we realize our children have free will
- Books of Moses - how the story began
- Psalms - how to live in this hard and challenging story
- Prophets - look especially in Isaiah to see how story will end
- What getting hit by a spiritual 2x4 is like
- Song of Songs is not just about marriage but is a picture of Jesus' love for us
- He leaves the 99 to go get the 1
- The same wisdom that was in the Old Testament is in the New Testament
- Parting scenes are important, don’t back away from them
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Dee Brestin
“Idol Lies” by Dee Brestin
“The Jesus Who Surprises: Opening Our Eyes to His Presence in All of Life and Scripture” by Dee Brestin
“The God Hunt: The Delightful Chase and the Wonder of Being Found” - Karen Burton Mains
“He Calls You Beautiful: Hearing the Voice of Jesus in the Song of Songs” - Dee Brestin