Mike Donehey from the contemporary Christian music band, Tenth Avenue North, is today’s special guest. Mike will be discussing his new book, “Finding God’s Life For My Will”. You’ll also learn how a tragedy became the catalyst for his learning to play guitar, and hear his heart-touching story behind one of the band's most popular songs, “Control”.
Mike is an author, lead singer, songwriter, and guitarist for Tenth Avenue North is husband to Kelly, and Father to 4 girls. Listen in as Mike and John talk about motives, and how God always seems to direct the waters of our hearts so that we end up right where He wants us.
Show Highlights:
- God is Ok with detours
- God doesn’t need us to be a success, He just wants US
- “When Dreams Die”
- “Dreams Change and That’s Ok”
- When God thwarts your plans
- Walking in humble confidence
- When God repaints, redeems, and reweaves
- How regret can turn into gratitude
- Letting go of your idols
- Success books prey on people’s idolatry
- When we think God has good things in store for everyone around us, just not for us
- Regrets of the dying
- Transactional and Capitalistic relationships with God
- It’s about the relationship, and not what we can get from Him
- God is the treasure you’re after
- Giving up God’s glory in exchange for fame
- The danger of ranking people based on what they can offer us
- Having a heart to minister
- Joy in ways you don’t expect it
- Misusing the gifts that God has given us
- God wants to be your plan, not give you a plan
Are You Real
Kingdom Conference Tickets
Tenth Avenue North
“Finding God's Life For My Will” by Mike Donehey - Available August 6th
“Top 10 Regrets Of The Dying” by Bronnie Ware
“Control” by Tenth Avenue North