Do you have a fashion problem? Or are you struggling to put together a certain look? Well, don't let fear get in your way! On today's show, we're doing something totally different from what you're used to, we're going to be talking to Ashley Boucher, who is an Image Style Consultant. Ashley is the founder of Art Of Style Image Consulting, which she launched in 2014. She works with clients nationwide, helping them to curate a wardrobe that supports their day to day lives, by providing excitement and simplicity in getting dressed. Listen in to find out how Ashley uses her God given gift to serve people, through her business.
It was only when Ashley laid her life down, at the feet of Jesus, that she fully encompassed what it meant, to use her gifts in serving as a temple for the Lord and showing people how to walk in their truest self. Listen in to hear about how Ashley came to really know the Lord and how it has changed her whole life.
Show highlights:
Ashley's website:
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Ashley on Instagram:
Have you found your purpose? What are you supposed to do after you find it? Those are the types of questions that Rusty Pang is answering. Today, Jon and Rusty are answering questions that listeners and friends have asked, so tune in to learn more about purpose.
What you'll hear in this episode:
Do you get angry a lot? Are you in pain? How are we as humans supposed to deal with these things? That is why Rusty Pang is here on the podcast this week. Listen to this episode to hear what Rusty has to say about anger and how to deal with pain.
Show Highlights:
Are you starting a business or thinking about starting a business, but still have some questions? Michael McIntyre and Jon Fuller are here to help! These two brilliant businessmen are discussing question asked by fellow listeners and giving tips about starting a business. Tune into today’s episode to hear more about Are You Real Business.
Show Highlights: