In a world of urgent need around us, God gives us good things to enjoy …but ultimately God has blessed us so that through us, others might know his goodness, others might know his grace, and others might see his glory.
Our guest today is David Platt, who took a life-changing 8-day trek through the Himalayas, where he encountered a population with urgent physical and spiritual needs. Our lives are but a mist here, so what can we do with our time to make it count? When our eyes are opened to the suffering in this world, something has to change.
We’re going to be discussing David’s first book, and his upcoming book. If you feel like you’ve been living the dream but missing the point, or feel like you’ve just missed the dream altogether, this podcast is going to bless you.
David Platt is pastor at McLean Bible Church in Vienna, Virginia. After graduating from the University of Georgia, he attended New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, where he received multiple degrees. Before pastoring at McLean Bible Church, he previously pastored congregations in New Orleans, Birmingham, AL, and the greater Washington, D.C. area. David also served as President of the Southern Baptist Convention’s International Mission Board, one of the largest missionary organizations in the world.
He is founder of Radical, which seeks to serve the church and accomplish the mission of Christ through various resources and opportunities.
David is author of a number of books, including the upcoming Something Needs to Change. He and his wife Heather have 4 children (and are in the process of adopting their 5th child!) and live in the Washington, D.C. metro area.
David’s Website: Radical
Books Mentioned:
Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream, by David Platt